Ok I should apologise for my post heading I guess but I have severe PMS today and obviously it is winning! And well I want this blog to be the truth. the whole truth and nothing but the truth in my weird and wacky world of ME, MYSELF AND I... Oh and my gorgeous boys!....
I am tired for one.... I am NEVER a morning person. Even when I was in the RAAF years ago I struggled to get up early though I did it.. Working in retail and starting at 8am and having to drop the now teen off at school first, I still struggled to get up. I did it but I hated it!!!! The other is I sooo need a bloody hysterectamy as I do NOT like these mood swings I have been getting all yer... UNLESS I am pre menupausal... Maybe a trip to the GP for a blood test is in order?. I could so go lie down for a nap right now but I have guests coming over mid afternoon for the evening roast meal so going back to bed wont happen until later tonight.... I was feeling fine and then all of a sudden my mood changed, something to do with facebook and something I am not going to get into on here as the walls have ears so to speak... I guess at times I feel as if I only have my two boys who truly are my only family now that Mum isnt here!. I am adopted for those of you who dont know and well both birth families are dsyfunctional enough before I enter into the picture. Then there is my adopted family. The eldest brother married a jealous bitch who calls herself a christian and was actually in the church and good friends with our Mum until they got together and well he is estranged from all of us (his loss) and then my other brother is so much like my Dad (who well lets just say Mum left him at 67 yrs of age after 43 yrs of marriage rather than stay with him any longer).... So back to the other brother he is so much like Dad that his marriage has just broken down and while he is a good father to his kids he sucks when it comes to being able to talk to people (women, and yes me his sister, the one who has spent 43 years being his sister and putting up with his teasing and shit) and treat them very nice and with respect.. I was invited to my brothers half birth sisters house for a beautiful lunch today but after having had a headache for 4 days until yesturday I just didnt want to go. It would have been a nice lunch but I had words with my brother the other day and he just brushed off what I said about how I was feeling about something and well he can pee off too... The teen was happy not to trapse across the city to one of the seaside suburbs across town so then it was sealed. So we just had fresh baguettes filled with sliced ham and cheese and in about one hour I will lite up the bbq and throw a roast lamb under the hood for roasting. I will cut up the potatoas for roasting and I will set the table all christmas and top the pavlova with whipped cream and strawberries and then I will put on the biggest friggin smile both my boys and visitors have ever seen despite my PMS winning!!
Merry christmas from a warm and sunny South Australia xx
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