Monday, 11 June 2012

Photo Security On FaceBook

It has just gone past 2:30am and I should be in bed as in a few hours we will be heading off to Jaxon's EI morning. Tyson is coming with us to meet Jims daughter so the two of them can meet other teens their own age who have a new baby in the house with ds.

Everynow and then when it is late I lie in bed when I should really be sleeping or trying to catch up on lack of sleep my mind starts to wonder. (Dont you hate it when this happens... I know I do) my mind starts to wonder.  A few times now I have thought about people trolling FB pages and blogs to rip off photos of children and adults with dissabilities and other reasons to then poke fun at them. Grrr stuff like this on Youtube and FB pages made to tease ppl like the case of the 16 yr old girl in the UK with ds makes me want to go out and well, punch that person in the face for being a BULLY. How would they like it if someone went and made nasty fun of their sister or brother, or their mother and when they have finally grown up, their own child? 

So tonight about 30 mins ago I got to thinking (no I wasnt in bed but was just about to go there) about how many photos I actually have of my little and big darlings on my FB page. Then I got anxious and thought what if my settings wernt good enough and someone not on my friends list could still see all of my photos and could lifted them off etc. Then I felt abit sick in the tummy and deicded it was time to check on those photo privcy settings. So I did just that. I also removed ALOT of the photos of Jaxon that are visible to my friends and put them into the BABY JAX album which is set to private so only his brother and I can see them at this stage. I left a few photos of both the boys in the mobile uploads album but that is it. Time to not be as private like some family members had been saying to me for about a year now...

Anyhow I am off to bed now though what is the bet the moment I lie down, get comfortable and actually feel myself starting to drifting off the little man will wake up for a feed....Aghhhhh the joys of Motherhood..... I wouldnt have it any other way though. I am blessed with my two boys!

(And yes the above photo was taken by me at a seaside hotel down at Brighton Beach here in Adelaide called the Esplanade Hotel or the Espy for short)...

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